Automagically Start Jupyterlab
This is for all you data scientists and ai lovers out there! What if your Jupyter Lab can quietly start behind the scene everytime you start your computer, won’t that be great? Yes, you can au...
This is for all you data scientists and ai lovers out there! What if your Jupyter Lab can quietly start behind the scene everytime you start your computer, won’t that be great? Yes, you can au...
In this post we shall talk more about config files for services and also write a few simple services of our own as a practice! Service File A service file is divided into three primary sectio...
Ahh…Linux services, cannot talk about them without mentioning systemd! Let’s go over some theoretical things of Linux services in the first part, and we shall have a more practical example on th...
The journey of writing a quick cd tool for ros2 packages. If you use ROS (Robot Operating System) long enough, you would know the command line tool roscd. And once you start using ROS2, I am...
This article are notes on using template with C++ in my daily life. Fold Expression Example 1 (Debugging Prints) Sometimes we may want to print debugging outputs, but we may not know the siz...
Of the big four metrics of performance. Network is the least likely to be a problem, but we do need to know how to monitor it. Welcome to part 4 of the series where we look at the ways to moni...
Ah disk! They are typically the slower component in the computer. This is part 3 of the series where we look at the ways to measure disk input and output. DISK Real-time Disk Monitoring Fro...
Memory is an essential part of your performance. And swap is the enemy of performance, it will slow down your computer extensively. This is part 2 of the series where we look at the ways to mo...
Just some notes on my assembly language learning journey. It could be a little messy, hopefully, it can be of help to future self and others. Chips (CPUs) use instructions to manipulate binary...
Everytime when your computer becomes slow, I guess the first thing we do is to blame it on the computer for being not POWERFUL enough. But in reality, maybe it just us not managing the resource...